So far, four provinces including Shaanxi, Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan and Ordos City, Inner Mongolia have clearly introduced policies to exempt hydrogen energy vehicles from highway tolls. In addition to the implementation of the policy of exempting hydrogen energy vehicles from highway tolls in many places, many places have also introduced policies for the development of the hydrogen energy industry. For example, on August 13, Jiangxi issued the "Several Measures on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry", which pointed out that Jiujiang City was identified as the "Provincial Hydrogen Economy Opening Pilot Zone", focusing on the development of hydrogen energy industries along rivers and lakes featuring hydrogen-powered ships, and exploring the application of hydrogen energy in petrochemicals, metallurgy, steel and other fields. From the overall trend of the industry, Guojin Securities believes that the hydrogen energy and fuel cell industries will enter a period of rapid growth in 2024, and the implementation of fuel cell vehicles and green hydrogen projects will be greatly accelerated.